What is Reverse Logistics & How to Outsource it

E-commerce is booming at a breakneck speed. Forbes predicts that by 2024, approximately 20.1% of retail purchases will take place online. Fewer and fewer people are shopping in brick-and-mortar stores every year.

As a large number of transactions take place over the Internet, we can expect returns, exchanges, and product recycling to be typical activities. This process, also known as reverse logistics, will therefore become critical for retailers or logistics companies. Successfully managing this is critical for your business’s efficiency and survival.

In this article, let us dig deeper into some of the main advantages of outsourcing reverse logistics and the factors your company must pay attention to when choosing a partner.

What is Reverse Logistics?

The process of moving products from customers back to the manufacturer or distributor is known as reverse logistics. When online orders arrive, customers may be disappointed because they cannot touch or try the product. In fact, customers returned about 68% of their online purchases due to their dissatisfaction with the product upon delivery.

The importance of reverse logistics has surged in response to the growing number of returns in the United States. According to a study, the annual cost of returns for US retailers peaked at $817 billion in 2022. In 2023, this dropped to $744 billion, marking an 8.9% year-on-year fall. It also accounts for around 14.5% of the total US retail sales for the year. This implies that retailers return $14.50 worth of sold products for every $100 they earn.

Why Businesses Outsource Reverse Logistics

Outsourcing solutions are one-way businesses deal with these hundreds of billions of returns. This solution enables logistics companies to focus on their core business, with outsourcing providers handling the administrative tasks of the returns. Here are some of the advantages your company can get from this strategic move: 


Product returns reduce an average manufacturer or retailer’s profit by approximately 3.8%. At the same time, managing these returns takes 17% of the manufacturers’ or retailers’ prime cost. With these figures, hiring workers and investing in infrastructure and technology for in-house reverse logistics processing will definitely deplete your budget. Outsourcing some of the activities involved in this process will reduce costs.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

An efficient return process boosts customer satisfaction. Outsourcing reverse logistics to providers with robust customer service capabilities ensures prompt and professional handling of returns and exchanges, thereby enhancing customer loyalty and enhancing your brand image.

Operational Efficiency

As reverse logistics may involve a lot of resources, this leads to a diversion from core business activities. Outsourcing streamlines operations by putting these complex processes in the hands of professionals who ensure faster turnarounds. Simultaneously, outsourcing alleviates the administrative burden. For all companies worldwide, outsourcing reduces the cost of logistics operations, including reverse logistics, by 15% on average. Such efficiency gains can significantly enhance your overall productivity and profitability.

Data Analytics

Besides mere return processing, third-party outsourcing partners increasingly offer a host of advanced analytics to bring valuable insights into return patterns and customer behavior. Such data-driven insights assist you in identifying the common reasons for returns, which feed back into product improvements and help lower return rates in the future. This enhances the financial performance of merchants and contributes to their sustainability.

Types of Reverse Logistics Services

There are a few different types of reverse logistics services your business may use. Understanding the differences between them is essential for choosing the right one, optimizing your return processes, and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Returns Management

Processing returned items involves inspecting their condition to determine whether they need a refund, repair, or restock. Outsourcing this service simplifies the process and reduces your company’s administrative burden by dealing with returns systematically.

Exchange Management

Managing exchanges makes reverse logistics even more complicated, often requiring coordination between many systems and departments. Outsourcing exchange management can assist in streamlining the returns process by ensuring that consumers receive the correct replacement products as soon as possible, resulting in a positive customer experience. Specialized suppliers have the systems and experience to manage exchanges efficiently, reducing supply chain disruptions.

Refurbishment and Reprocessing

Refurbishing and reprocessing returned products can help you to recapture value and reduce waste. Outsourcing providers specializing in this field can efficiently inspect, repair, and repackage items for resale in support of your sustainability goals and contribute to additional revenue streams. This emerging global market for refurbished goods makes a wonderful addition to the service offerings within reverse logistics.

Inventory Management

Effective inventory management is critical for ensuring a balanced and responsive supply chain, particularly in the case of reverse logistics. Outsourcing inventory management services enables businesses to properly track returned products, manage restocking operations, and maintain ideal inventory levels. This decreases the likelihood of stockouts or overstocking, which can result in missed returns or higher holding costs. Advanced inventory management system providers can help streamline these operations and ensure inventory is in line with demand.

Choose the Right Reverse Logistics Outsourcing Partner

You should carry out extensive research first before entering a successful outsourcing arrangement. When choosing a provider, consider their experience, technology, and capacity to serve small and medium retail and logistics enterprises. Choose an outsourcing company with an excellent track record and reverse logistics knowledge that can tailor solutions to meet your company goals. This includes the provider’s keenness on quality control, standards compliance, and scalability for your firm’s expansion. 

Outsourcing reverse logistics can be transformative for small and medium-sized retailers and logistics companies that want to manage returns and exchanges more efficiently. Delegating these tasks to outsourcing providers allows you to minimize operational expenses, increase customer happiness, and get vital insights for continuous improvement. 

By outsourcing to specialized providers like Big Outsource, you can cut costs significantly while maintaining high-quality service, freeing up resources to focus on your core business activities.

Schedule a consultation with us to see how we can help you overcome your reverse logistics problems and help your company prosper in today’s competitive market by using our qualified personnel with the latest software and other resources.


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