Australian Firms Told Not to Hold Back Outsourcing Plans to Seize Benefits

Among large or small businesses, outsourcing carries a negative or scary connotation of foreign-based support, local jobs being migrated to a developing country, and an overall assault to the American economy. While it’s true outsourcing allows for companies to get better outcome at a cheaper rate than their local counterparts, the practice of business process […]

More Australian Firms Seen Outsourcing IT Works

“Outsourcing has officially arrived,” declares Forbes Magazine’s Eric Wagner. To believe or not his declaration, Wagner just couldn’t be more authoritative when it is Peter Drucker, the legendary management guru, he is referencing here. Drucker once envisioned a future (“Next Society”) where everything will be outsourced. The Next Society could already be happening now or […]

Lessons to Derive from the Outsourcing Rationales of Australian companies

Cost reduction is often reported as the main driver in the rise of outsourcing in Australia. Yet the reality gives a more revealing answer why Australian organizations send some of their business functions offshore. An Australian BPO Report 2012 by Outsource UK has cited numerous reasons why major Australian organizations outsource. There is now a […]

Business Process Outsourcing Solutions to Watch by Year 2016

Australian companies wishing to control operational costs often resort to an offshore service providers who perform their administrative or non-strategic support functions. The modern business is evolving and business process outsourcing or BPO is quite the latest business practice darling known for giving businesses the strategic support they need to be competitive. Trends to watch […]

Making Lean Culture Work in Talent Acquisition of Outsourcing Ventures

Lean culture is a management principle that’s often applied in the manufacturing sector. Its standout followers include Walmart, Southwest Airlines and GE Healthcare. But can Lean principle ever be applied in the business process of outsourcing, particularly for talent acquisition? This is an argument once popped by Zachary Misko and has even written an article […]

Why you should focus on customer engagement?

Customer relationship, man. Sure, it’s definitely one of the more important aspects of business today. From the iPhone maker Apple to coffee chain Starbucks, their visionary leaders have realized growth is achievable by ensuring they make customers satisfied. Unless you live in a planet where being rude will earn you more loyal customers, you can […]

How to Grow your Business with an Independent Contractor

The economic uncertainties coupled with rising competition in the marketplace create tremendous challenge for businesses – large and small – to cope. Some companies opt to delay hiring new staff while they wait for the “right time” for the market to stabilize. Remember that you have some existing projects and your clients are waiting for […]

Growing your Outsourcing Business Using Brand Repositioning Tactics (Part 2)

During the first part of this series, I discussed about the trigger to new brand thinking for outsourcing companies to thrive and survive in the hyper-competitive market in the BPO and IT services sector. To sum up, the impact of the new dynamics that outsourcing companies face nowadays demand that they embrace the importance of […]

Growing your Outsourcing Business Using Brand Repositioning Tactics (Part 1)

Significant changes are shaping the outsourcing industry in recent years. The outsourcing boom has brought in new entrants and of course competition. Hence, Business Process Outsourcing and IT services companies must re-evaluate their branding to succeed and achieve greater profitability.   Yes, there is growth. If there’s one industry where the sun is shining brightest, […]

Is Outsourcing included in your corporate strategy?

Short quiz! What are the advantages of adopting outsourcing model in your corporate strategy? a) cost reduction; b) improve process; c) access to innovation and; d) talent. If you answer all four choices, you got it all correct and you pretty understand how this strategy works. If outsourcing is not yet part of your organization’s […]