Australian Firms Told Not to Hold Back Outsourcing Plans to Seize Benefits

Among large or small businesses, outsourcing carries a negative or scary connotation of foreign-based support, local jobs being migrated to a developing country, and an overall assault to the American economy.

While it’s true outsourcing allows for companies to get better outcome at a cheaper rate than their local counterparts, the practice of business process outsourcing is generally not a bad idea. That simply is not the case with all outsourcing, especially not the kind Big Outsource provides to Australia’s large and small organisations.

“Explaining what outsourcing is and what Big Outsource do is challenging because you have to prove that outsourcing is not at all that scary,” Ramon Lorico, CEO and Partner at Big Outsource, states. “We quickly remind them that outsourcing some part of their business does not necessarily require for them to replace their current employees with our staff. While we set up our office in Manila, we have set up an office in Australia.”

Proper outsourcing of IT support lies not in removing existing employees of our client partners, Mr. Lorico explains, as a business process outsourcing vendor we encourage that those employees are supplemented with additional ones.

“One of the main advantages in the way Big Outsource conducts its business is that while we are located in the Philippines, there are only two or three hours difference in our respective timezones,” states Mr. Lorico.

He further adds, “And even though we technically exist as outsourced IT or back office support, language barrier is also not much of a big trouble because Filipino workforce are proficient not only in speaking but also writing using the English language because we’ll be conducting almost all our relations over phone, messaging and email communication systems. With our Australian office, there is also no way that we could not meet with our clients face-to-face.”

For an even more successful IT outsourcing support, Big Outsource has introduced many outsourcing flexibility, especially to make outsourcing an attractive strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises. “Again to correct the misconceptions that outsourcing will migrate all the local jobs to an outsourcing provider, we are not such company. Although our pool of IT support can fully support your IT requirements, Big Outsource has solutions to assist your existing team depending on what your business can afford to obtain. For example, we can help you get one virtual assistant versus a dedicated team.”

In other words, Big Outsource brings outsourcing to the next level, giving you smart solutions and options to sustain and meet your business requirements. As opposed to common misconceptions about outsourcing, Big Outsource believes it is about ensuring productivity through our flexibility that will ensure long-term success to your endeavors.


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