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Terms and Conditions

Guided by Philippine law, our Terms ensure secure, transparent interactions, emphasizing cautious information sharing.

Thank you for visiting! We’d just like to inform you that in using and accessing this site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. Before proceeding any further, we expect that you already understand these terms and conditions:

  1. Established in the Philippines, the terms and conditions and your use of this site shall be governed by government-mandated laws. Thus, any disputes in relation to the website shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines and shall be determined by the exclusive jurisdiction of the Philipppine courts.

  2. While Big Outsource has taken great care to ensure that we provide users of our site with information that are accurate at the time of posting or publication, we, however, does not represent that this is the case and Big Outsource accepts no responsibility for any ommissions or innaccuracies. We advice all users of our website to obtain professional advice prior to relying on information contained or published in these pages.

  3. The inclusion of product or services in this site should not be taken to constitute an offer to provide financial services or product whatsoever. Anything relating to the products and services listed on this site – conditions, etc. – are available upon contacting Big Outsource directly.

  4. Communications via e-mail are not secure. Hence, by sending or indicating your personal information or sensitive information, users should do so in strict moderation and if possible, should not be transmitted at all.

  5. Big Outsource is linked to web sites or third party channels not maintained by our company and users should be aware of this when communicating to Big Outsource using its website.

  6. Big Outsource shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage in whatever form arising out of the use and access or reliance on information included or published within this site.

  7. The whole of Big Outsource, including its content (text, pictures, audio and videos) are protected by copyright. Except as specifically permitted, no portion of the site may be reproduced in any form, or by any means used, without the express prior written consent of Big Outsource.

  8. Users who use, modify, distribute, publish, transmit or create derivative works of any material found on Big Outsource website for any public or commercial purposes shall be held liable and responsible.

  9. User may download, store, display on their computer, view, listen to, play and print information on the Big Outsource website, so long as they observe the following: a) information is solely for personal, informational, noncommercial purposes; b) materials are not modified or altered in any way, and; c) materials are not redistributed.
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