How to achieve seamless 24/7 Customer Service with Outsourcing

In today’s competitive landscape, Australian small and medium businesses (SMBs) are increasingly seeking strategic advantages. One such strategy is outsourcing customer service to the Philippines. This Southeast Asian archipelago is currently among the undisputed global leaders in call centers and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services.

3 Key Benefits of Call Center Outsourcing

Businesses from the United States, UK, and Australia looking for affordable yet quality voice service solutions rely on call centers in the Philippines to answer their customer support requirements. Partnering with a qualified Asian vendor presents critical benefits of call center outsourcing. One of the nightmares many companies worry about (from a customer service standpoint) […]

7 Customer Service Experience Lessons to Steal from Starbucks

  The pressure is high to be more customer-oriented if you want to thrive in a hyper-competitive, fast-paced, mobile, global economy. With this seeming newly-found focus to customers, brands who emphasize customer service experience delivery in their menu are looking at Starbucks for model. Starbucks is undeniably one of the most successful coffee chain businesses […]

How to Provide Good Customer Service

Good customer service is good business.Whether it’s selling a product or offering services, no business can deny that they deal with customers even with today’s automated world. In a fast-paced world, the bigger challenge though is to not disappoint even a single customer.To bring new customers return and become loyal to your brand, pay attention […]

How to Setup A Call Center in the Philippines

  Whether you’re into the business of providing customer care or someone looking at operating a telemarketing hub in Manila, operating your own call center is not an entirely bad idea. Here’s a few insights and a couple of tips when you set up a call center in the Philippines. Pretty sure at this stage […]

How Do Call Centres Work?

If you’re planning to operate a call centre business, it must be very overwhelming just knowing where or how to start. Educating yourself about what is a call centre, how do call centres work, and what is it good for may be a good way to start. Let’s begin.     What is a call […]

What the World Would Be Like if Call Center Outsourcing Didn’t Exist

  It’s precisely a hypothetical question to ask. And if you are already outsourcing call center services, you’ll quickly get the picture of a world where call centers are plucked out and help is not arriving any sooner. Chaos! Fast forward to our era and it’s barely impossible to ignore how the role of call […]

Philippine Call Center Sector Reaches 20% Revenue Growth

The year 2012 proved to be an upbeat year for the call center industry after the Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP) reported that the sector grew about 20 percent against the growth target of 15 percent. Despite the appreciation of the peso, the strong performance was considered a big news to an industry […]

Philippines’ call center image is improving – Al Jazeera

The Philippines continues to sizzle as a hot outsourcing hub favored by most companies in the U.S. and Australia. Al Jazeera cited the country’s stable geopolitical climate, skilled and competitive workforce, and low cost of doing business as reasons it deserve the new title – the Call Center Capital of the World. Not blind to […]